
Your Ultimate Guide to the CPAP Full Face Mask

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Written by: The Sleeplay Team

Sleeplay helps you achieve the best and deepest sleep during the night. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, CPAP machines are the solution. Find here the top brands in the market like ResMed and Philips Respironics.


 Sleep apnea is a condition that affects every part of your life. You need to have a restful night’s sleep if you want to be able to work properly. If you can't breathe properly, you won't be able to go to sleep. That's why it's crucial for people suffering from this condition to get an official diagnosis.

Once you get your diagnosis, you'll be able to start looking at solutions for your issue. Although there is sadly currently no cure for sleep apnea, there are many available therapeutic solutions.

The two most popular methods that are used today are the CPAP and BiPAP machines. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure.  Both of these machines provide positive airway pressure, this airway pressure is meant to simulate breathing so it helps get air in and out of the lungs. However, in order to use these PAP machines, you need to use a CPAP mask. One of the types of masks that you can get is a full face mask.

What Is a CPAP Mask and Why Is It Used?

Man Wearing CPAP Mask

 A CPAP mask is a device that connects to your CPAP or BiPAP machine using a hose that will provide airflow through the mask. Once it is connected to the CPAP machine you need to place the mask on your face in order to receive the CPAP therapy. A CPAP mask is used for both CPAP equipment and BiPAP equipment, so it’s easy for you to switch between these devices.

Various types of masks are available for use on the market. The kind you use depends on several factors, including the severity of your sleep apnea and your sleeping position. The CPAP masks also come in different sizes so you can figure out the best CPAP mask fit for you. However, if you’re looking into buying a full face mask, then you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll tell you all you need to know about full-face CPAP masks and why this mask might be what you need.

Full Face Mask vs. a Partial Mask

Firstly, let’s start by explaining what a full face mask is. This type of mask has a silicone cushion that covers your mouth and your nose, and it’s held in place by headgear and straps that keep it secure while you’re sleeping. The full face mask is typically has a rubber lining that helps create a proper seal to stop any mask leakage that may happen. Mouth breathers primarily use this mask, and it’s an excellent alternative for people who have issues that block their nasal canal. Some examples of full face CPAP masks are the ResMed AirFit F20, Philips Respironics Dreamwear Full-Face mask, Fisher & Paykel Simplus Full-Face Mask, Quattro FX Full Face Mask also by ResMed.

On the other hand, partial face masks only cover up the nose, leaving the rest of the face free. These types of masks may be beneficial to someone who suffers from claustrophobia. These masks come in two types, the nasal pillow mask, and the nasal mask.

Nasal pillow masks are made up of nasal pillow cushion which goes directly inside your nasal passages. The mask is fastened to your head by the use of headgear and straps. The headgear and straps make sure your mask does not come off at night. Some examples of nasal pillow CPAP masks are ResMed AirFit P10, Philips Respironics Dreamwear Gel Nasal Pillow Mask, Fisher & Paykel's Evora Nasal Pillow Mask. In comparison, the nasal CPAP mask is a smaller mask and cushion that only cover your nose. The nasal mask goes right on the bridge of the nose leaving your mouth uncovered. Some examples of the nasal CPAP mask are ResMed AirTouch N20, Philips Respironics Dreamwear Nasal Mask, Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 Nasal Mask.

Both of the partial face masks are not very useful for CPAP users who are mouth breathers. However, if you use a chin strap that closes your mouth while you’re sleeping, then you might be able to use these partial face mask. But these masks are ideal for users that are uncomfortable with the full face mask that is bulkier.

Check out this blog for a more detailed comparison of all of these different types of masks. Now let’s look at some of the pros and cons of the CPAP full face mask.


A lot of people around the world use this mask for several reasons, some of which are listed below.

  • The mask is excellent if you’ve tried chin straps, but they’re just not working out for you.
  • Full face masks don’t attach directly to your nose, so if you feel uncomfortable when you wear the nasal masks, then you might want to try this out.
  • Certain conditions like a deviated septum and a congested sinus can make it impossible to breathe through your nose, so you’ll need to use this mask.
  • An even pressure distribution can help to make higher pressure therapy more tolerable


In case any of these points are deal breakers for you, then you’ll need to look elsewhere.

  • A full-face CPAP mask is much bulkier than a partial mask.
  • If you have a beard, then it will make this type of mask difficult to use.
  • Air leaks might occur, which might lead to dry eyes when you wake up.
  • It is tough to sleep on your stomach when you have this mask on.
  • If you are claustrophobic
  • May cause red marks on your face


    What is the Average Cost of a CPAP Full Face Mask?

    Full Face CPAP Mask



    The cost of these masks might be the deciding factor for you. Typically full face masks are a bit more expensive than partial face masks. However, the price is not a lot higher. Full face masks generally cost around 70 to160 $.

    A major deciding factor for the price is the brand. Some brands use unique materials to make their masks more comfortable, which is why the price varies.

    Partial face masks differ in their prices depending on the type of mask you’re looking at. A nasal pillow mask can range in price from 75 to 110 $, but the nasal masks start at 35 to 150 $.

    In general, it’s a good idea to look at all the aspects of the device and come to a decision.

    How Do You Know if This Mask Is for You?

    Ask your doctor about what kind of mask he suggests. Try to discuss some of the different types you’ve been looking at and ask your doctor if he thinks that a full face mask will help you. There are two main reasons why you would use a CPAP full-face mask. One is that you’re a mouth breather, and the second is that you can’t tolerate high pressures very well.

    Unfortunately, one of the most significant downsides of this mask is that it is quite bulky. But there are a few designs out there that are more comfortable. Bring these issues up to your medical professional, and they might be able to help you make a final decision.

    Get Our Free E-book

    Get your guide to understanding sleep apnea, adjusting to CPAP machines, and choosing the right masks for your needs.
