Monaghan Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System (OPEP)
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Monaghan | SKU: 62510

Monaghan Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System (OPEP)

Regular price $115.00 $115.00
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Important Tips
Manufacturer Monaghan Medical
Settings 5 resistance settings adjust to each patients capacity
Flow Range Flow range is = 10 L/min to 30 L/min
Fitting Standard 22 mm fitting accommodates small volume nebulizers, including the AeroEclipse Breath Actuated Nebulizer (BAN)
Compatible Compatible with nebulizer therapy
Research Backed by clinical evidence
Design Designed and manufactured in North America
Aerobika OPEP is not recommended for the following conditions Patients unable to tolerate the increased work of breathing (acute exacerbations of asthma or COPD, neuromuscular weakness)
Intracranial pressure (ICP) > 20 mm Hg
Hemodynamic instability (blood pressure instability)
Recent facial, oral, or skull surgery or trauma
Acute sinusitis
Epistaxis (bleeding nose)
Esophageal surgery
Active hemoptysis (bleeding from lungs)
Untreated pneumothorax (untreated collapsed lung)
Known or suspected tympanic membrane rupture or other middle ear pathology
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